Saturday, March 3, 2012

Look Who's 3!

Our little Bugaboo turned 3 today! Where has the time gone.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  Since having Treker, Kree has just looked so big to me and it makes me sad.  Where has my little Kree gone?  It seems like yesterday when I was able to hold him and rock him in my arms and now it's all I can do to keep in in my arms. He has such a funny personality and becoming so independent.
He is currently trying to potty train.  We thought we would have had it by now but he is a stubborn little thing and when the baby arrived he sort of digressed a bit.  Hopefully we will master this soon.
He continues to love Tom & Jerry... as you can see he has a Tom & Jerry cake. 
Some of my favorite things lately are... he calls his tennis shoes his "exercise shoes" and will jump up and down as though he is exercising,  he calls his overalls his "dinners," we think because they look like a bib,  when he wants you to hold him he says "I hold you" or he will say "Mommy... yur my friend" or "Daddy... yur my friend"
Here is how Kree's birthday went...
Kree with his Tom & Jerry cake.  He has been talking about it all week and so excited!
We took him and his cousin Ellie to McDonalds for lunch.  Kree is a huge McDonalds fan.

Then we decided to take them to see the new movie "The Lorax"  It was a cute movie and I didn't know that Kree and Dr. Suess shared birthdays.

Here is his birthday cake that no I did not make, wish I could do that though.

Opening birthday presents, most of the gift opening pictures were somewaht blurry, these are the only ones that were not.

Here he is blowing out his candles, he had a hard time and so I eventually had to help him.  Sorry this is one of the blurry pictures.  Overall Kree had a wonderful birthday and had a good time with cousins and family.  Happy Birthday Kree! We Love You So Much!

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