Wednesday, January 4, 2012


A little late posting as usual but I would never have forgotten to post... especially Christmas!  I was especially excited this year because Kree is at that age where he is starting to understand things a little more and it's also Kree's last Christmas by himself.  Kree was so exciting this year, it was so fun listening to him talk about Christmas.  I think our favorite was when he would refer to Santa as "Ho Ho Christmas," as well as what he would ask for for Christmas,  "My Thomas Choo Choo and Tracks."  We eventually got around to taking Kree to see Santa and he did better than I anticipated.  I thought he would get nervous because he tends to do that but he walked right up there and sat on his lap, told him what he wanted and as you can see in the picture, told Santa how old he is "Two" even though he holds up five fingers every time.  We even helped Kree type a letter to Santa and Santa even responded... it was so cute.

We spent the first part to of the Christmas break in Declo with Ragen's family. The Thursday before Christmas was Ragen's Mom's birthday so we all got together for the Boise State Bowl game and celebrated her birthday... here are all the grandkids with Grandma.

Christmas Eve we all got together and the grandkids acted out the Nativity.  Kree started off to be a little stinker and wouldn't wear anything (he did the same thing last year) until he saw everyone else out there wearing there outfits and then he wanted to be a part of it.  As you can see in the picture he would only wear the head piece.

All the grandkids on Christmas Eve.

Of course we had to leave cookies and milk for Santa and Kree made sure he helped him eat one of the cookies before he went to bed.  Silly kid!

Christmas Morning... we ended up waking Kree up about 8am or else he would have slept in til about 10 or so.  When he saw what Santa brought him, he didn't show a lot of emotion.  He wouldn't respond to anyone when he was asked a question for a while.  He had to make sure that this wasn't a dream or anything I guess.  He wasn't interested in much else for a while, just wanted to play with his Thomas the Choo Choo.

Grandma and Grandpa Darrington with his new helicopter.

Mommy and her new shoes... I love them.  Ragen and Santa were very good to me this year.  My Santa gift was at home... a new elliptical... couldn't quite get it to Declo.

More gifts,  Kree was very spoiled this year and he probably will be forever because his Mommy and Santa LOVE Christmas time.  Here he his with his new puzzles... he loves puzzles.

Kree and Daddy both got some binoculars this year.  I love this picture of them both looking through them.

Ragen has been wanting a Levi blanket, so I was able to make my first quilt with the help of my talented mother that is... Thank you Mom, love you!  Ragen loved it... hopefully it stays together, j/k!

That same day we travelled to Idaho Falls to have Christmas with my family.  Here's Kree helping Grandma and Grandpa open their gift from him.  He made them a clay handprint of his hand, he was so excited to give it to them.  Grandma and Grandpa Darrington received one as well.

Kree opening more gifts... I don't know where I'm going to put them all.

This year for my mother we all gave her a wooden clock that my brother's did most of the work on but all of the grandkids pictures are on porcelin  and they all are representing the numbers in some way.  Kree is number 10 and has tape on his belly shaped in the number 10.  Our new little edition will be number 11 on the clock so we will add him later.  It turned out really nice.

Overall it was a very nice Christmas.  It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have 2 little rugrats around for the holidays.  Can't wait!

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